Saturday, April 20, 2013

These Kids

Thursday was a big day for the Young kids. Thomas turned 21 months and Evelyn 6 weeks! So here I go again, purging my phone in order to document a few moments in their lives. 


What this little nugget is up to: 

Eating: every 2-3 hours during the day. Likes to nurse, but it can be difficult to keep her awake/interested for a full feeding. 
Sleeping: 6-8 hours at night! I just love her.
Special Talents: Grunting, squeaking, pooping, and now SMILING :)
Struggles With: the "witching hour". Always 8-10:30 ish pm...very awake, wants to be held. OR ELSE!

Note to self: take pictures of Evy wearing a bow. It is cute.

A Brother & A Sister

He LOVES her! Each day he gives kisses and hugs and back pats. He still points out all her body parts. Likes to put her hand under his chin? "Evy, baby, sister!" "Sad," he says in a concerned voice when she cries.  "Shhhh! Sleeping," said in a whisper, and usually followed by "EVY!" loud and excited. He always talks to her in a high pitch baby voice. He is so gentle with her. I'm just loving the tenderness. What does he get in return for his kindness? Evy now looks at him and occasionally smiles.


Oh, Thomas. This boy has got personality. He's doing and learning so much lately that I'm not even sure where to start!
Eating: Ug. Grains, crackers, yogurt, meat, cheese, and "LOUIE!!" (milk...thank you Chris for teaching his that term). I try to sneak in fruits and veggies where I can, but Thomas considers them the most painful kind of torture.
Sleeping: 10-12 hours at night and 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon
Special Talents: pointing out letters in the alphabet, knows colors (red, yellow, blue he is most accurate with), repeating everything we say or making us repeat everything he says, reading, dancing, singing, cuddling, making faces- this boy is super animated! High awareness of right and wrong. He rats himself out all the time and hates to get in trouble.
Struggles With: being shy with strangers, coping with failure (i.e. not being able to dunk the basket ball, close a drawer that is stuck, put on his socks, etc), sometimes sharing his toys. 

Organizing his bears. 

I gave up and let him feed his peas to the dino. :(

Loves to be silly. Wearing Mom's socks
Consequence for: toys in toilet, tearing books, tantrums. Having a baby sister has not made this boy more aggressive. Rather, having less supervision has made him more mischievous/bored! I laugh inside whenever we have to do a time out. He walks right over to the wall, stands like this and doesn't move. haha poor kid. 
I love my job (almost) all of the time!!

1 comment:

Meggin said...

That last picture is AWESOME!!!! Your kids are too cute.

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