Wednesday, March 20, 2013

when EVELYN was born

We planned a c-section for Evelyn's birth on Wednesday, March 6. We were to arrive at the hospital at 7:30am and greet our baby girl at 9:30am. It seemed like a good plan. 

The night before, I had the thought to shower then instead of in the morning. That turned out to be a good decision. All night, I woke up each hour. Finally, at 4:30am I had the feeling my water was breaking...and it was, slowly. Then the pain started. My contractions were intense and coming fast (every 2 minutes). By 6am, Thomas was at my sister's house and Chris and I were speeding to the hospital. 
I was SO not prepared mentally or physically to handle labor! I believe I actually yelled a few things like "It's not fair!!" "Make it stop!" and I might have begged the nurse for my spinal more than once. Perhaps I threw out a couple curse words as the front desk at the ER had me signing forms and answering questions.
Moving along- my water completely broke right as I stood up to get in my wheelchair in the ER waiting room. I heard the lady waiting with her husband across the room gasp. Then she smiled. I didn't see anything funny about the situation.
Soon enough, the nurses had me all hooked up with IV and monitor. I was already dilated to a 6! I was told I needed to decide NOW if I still wanted a c-section or if I wanted to try for a vaginal birth. Again, I yelled, "Chris! What should I do?!" He calmly responded that I had previously decided on the c-section. 
So, off we went. The doctors moved fast and just wonderfully. The anesthesiologist fast became my best friend. He really was so great and so supportive...not to mention that he took away my pain.
By 7:30am Miss Evelyn Nicole Young was born.
8 lbs 5 oz
20.5 inches long

Glorious moment! Our pal the anesthesiologist offered to take our picture here. 

Thomas and Chris at home while I was enjoying my stay at the hospital. Actually, I was super antsy to leave! Luckily, they let me check out after 2 days instead of the 3 that is usually required for c-sections.

A happy, swollen mama with her family of 4!

The incredible Aunt Chele who always seems to save the day and who Thomas loves. She had T for the day and then he even stayed the night. She hooked him up with his favorite action figures "Woo-ee, Buh, and Beebobeebo". (Woody, Buzz, and the alien). 

My babies.

He has been so tender with her. He does need reminders to be soft and not climb on her, but he is almost always so excited about her. "Baby! Ebby/Eppy!" He loves to touch her hands and feet and point out her body parts, and give lots of kisses. 

Mom and Dad drove out. Dad left Mom with us for the whole week while he returned to Idaho to work. Then he flew back the next weekend to drive home with his wifey. They sure are nice! :)

The whole crew ready to go home!

We all love this daddy! A little sad that he has to go back to work tomorrow (after 2 weeks off). It's been oh so nice to have him home!
Evelyn. Ready to venture out into the world.

Our first ride in the family vehicle together. Great shot of us all, right?
Well, recovery has been sooo much better this time than after Tommy's birth. I feel pretty good, but still move a little slow. 
Evelyn is a gem! I finally understand what "sleep like a baby" means. I usually have to wake her in the night to feed her. She also rarely cries unless she's hungry/poopy. Let's just say that my precious Thomas was more of a high maintenance baby. Knock on wood, that baby E will stay this way!  
We've had great support from friends too with visits, texts, calls, treats, and meals. We've been well taken care of!
Evelyn's 2 week stats from today's appointment:
8lbs 15oz (75th percentile)
20.75 inches long (80th percentile)

Fun Fact: Evy's cousin Emmie was born the same day in Utah! Cousin buddies! Welcome to the world ladies! We couldn't be happier to have you!!


Stacie Couch said...

Oh, she is adorable! I cannot get enough of her hats :) That hospital hat is precious. How crazy that you went into labor hours before your c-section! I am glad everything went well with her delivery, and hopefully with your recovery too. Congratulations!

Beth said...

Wow, I had no idea you went into labor! That sounds stressful, actually. :-) I'm glad your recovery is going well; I've been thinking about you! (And you are amazing for going home after just two days -- I stay four! You must have good people taking care of you at home!!)

Evelyn is simply adorable. Love the pics of her and T together. Her stats are (if I remember correctly) just the same as Abby's when she was born. I'm glad she is such a good baby -- I bet she keeps it up. :-)

Kinzie and Kevin said...

These pictures are so precious!! I want my family to stop being sick so we can finally come meet her!!! Congrats Congrats! Glad she is sleeping well. That is so nice :)

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