Sunday, December 2, 2012

he keeps us on our toes!

This may not be a good moment to type out my thoughts. I just admitted to Chris that I think I'm going insane. Thomas has been sick with one thing or another for over 3 weeks now, and he's teething, and he won't sleep, AND he screams at night until I hold him. (He's screaming from his crib now, in fact, and I can hardly keep it together).

So, I'm going insane. There is some kind of fog that's taking over my brain. I even seriously thought that an event I've attended nearly every month for two years...always on a Thursday, happened to be on a Tuesday this month. Nope, nothing changed, just losing my mind.

Okay, Thomas' ailments in sequence:

1. Light stomach bug. Lasted only a day.
2. 3 days of fever, followed by two days of rash, much irritability, little eating. That happened to be a thing called Roseola.
3. Croup. This was a scary 7 day journey. He could not kick this thing. I'm not one to rush my son to the doctor, but 3 ER visits, one ambulance ride, one childrens hospital stay over night, multiple breathing treatments, and 7 steroid dosages later, he recovered from that. We dealt with blue lips, vomiting, his chest caving with each breath which looked like the sucking of air from a water bottle,  and then there was the time we couldn't get him to wake up.
So grateful for great medical care, for my parents support since most of this took place on our vacation with them, for my steady husband who always knew just what to do, and that I was blessed with an intense calmness during much of this....that, or I was in major denial that CROUP could get this bad. Yep, glad that's over.
4. Another surprise! Thomas woke up this morning in great spirits. We were dancing to Chris' beat boxing before church. He was all giggles in our sacrament meeting, flirting with the young women a few rows behind us. He was smothering me with kisses, apparently really feeling the love. I was soaking in a powerful testimony meeting. Then, in a instant, my dear boy vomited ALL OVER himself and his mother. I whispered to my husband for some assistance. He tried to use clean diapers to contain the mess that just kept coming. I was able to discreetly escape from our 4th row seat as Thomas continued to throw up all over me, and Chris cleaned up the pew with the help of friends sitting nearby.

 I cleaned Thomas off and could not find Chris anywhere, so I entered the chapel again with my half naked son and my dress covered in throw up. Chris was gone from there. This was one of those times that I just didn't feel like wandering the building. We eventually found each other. A nice man on our way out commented, "I've never seen anything like that before!" Nor have I sir, nor have I.

I believe that Thomas may just be preparing us for baby #2 (a girl, by the way!). Putting us into hyperactive-little-sleep parenting mode, so when March hits and we realize we actually have our hands full...we'll be ready for it??
The truth is, Thomas is awesome. During all this sickness, he's still been a major sweetheart, lover, and silly guy. I can't get enough of him...except at night. :) We are pretty darn lucky parents!


Stacie Couch said...

That is an impressive amount of sickness! I am so sorry that it has all happened at once. I hope you get your sleep back soon. I almost feel worse now when Logan has a bad night because I am not used to it like I was with a newborn.
I hadn't heard that you were having a girl! Hooray, that is so exciting!

Beth said...

Oh my gosh, Nicole -- that is just too much illness for one little boy and way too much for his parents!! I know I would be a mess dealing with all that (frankly, I've broken down over less!). I hope he feels better soon. And I hope he's just getting all these germs out of the way early this winter and will be WELL these next few months!

the Youngs said...

Stacie- haha it is a little impressive. I hear ya on the sleep thing. It's always a good shock to the system when you've gotten used to a good thing. We are VERY excited to be having a girl! :)
Beth- I'm sure that I saw on your blog not long ago that your family had been hit with a whole bunch of crummy stuff for a while, so you're no stranger to this kind of thing!I sure hope that we have all built up our immune systems and will be healthy for some time....I hope!! Thanks!

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