Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Labor Day Weekend & T's Blessing

We had tons of family support this weekend for Thomas' baby blessing! All my sisters, sister-in-law & 2 of her kiddos, both our parents, and Chris' sibs (minus Jess and Adam who are expecting baby Miles in a month). We ate tons of food (at least I know I did), shopped (of course), went on walks (again, of course...that's what my family is famous for), chatted, watched football, and enjoyed T's special day.
Sister Brittany and niece Savannah- Friday night we celebrated Britt's birthday with gifts & dessert. She's finally reached a new decade! She will always be about 25 in my mind! :)
Tommy LOVES his swaddle
Proud Mommy
and proud Dad
The Young clan present
Thomas with Dad and Grandpa Young
The Nelson, lots of ladies!
*all the above photos were taken by my sister Michele
Uncle Spence took good care of Thomas. Let's see if we can get him to keep changing diapers over Thanksgiving. :)
Watching the game with the boys
Lovin' on Grandma Young!
Mark and Judy treated us all to home-made raspberry ice cream. SO YUMMY!

And a couple photos of Little Man for good measure. Thanks everyone who made the trip out here! We have the best family---EVER!


Unknown said...

Oh he is so sweet! I think he looks a lot like Chris but he totally has a Nelson look in some of these pictures.

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

Great weekend!

Tara said...

What a cutie! That is so nice that your family could make it out there. And that raspberry icecream sounds sooooo yummy. Looks like I'll be needing some icecream tonight. . .

Jenn said...

Wow looks like you guys had fun. You look great Nikki, what wieght are you needing to lose?? He is a cutie, congratulations again!

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