Sunday, September 11, 2011

"I know what we need! The perfect cheer!!"

OR, the perfect swaddle! Chris really has swaddling down to an art form. I'm not bad, but the dad-man does it so well that I sometimes won't undue it in the middle of the night to change a stinky diaper. Bad mom? I don't know, but definitely a tired mom. No sneaky hands will be creeping out of this thing!
Tommy's milestones this week (week 7):
  • So on the verge of a giggle
  • Lots of smiles and new baby noises "cooing"
  • Scooting up mom's body. I'll lay Thomas face-down on my tummy and put my hands below his feet so he has leverage. He scoots up and up till he dives over my shoulder onto the bed or wherever we are laying. This boy wants to go places!
  • Responding to his name...really?? I'm still not sure this could be possible, but he did it 5 separate times tonight. However, he might have also turned when Chris called, "William!" We'll have to keep testing this one. At least we know he can hear.
  • Definitely responds well to music. If my playlist or song ends, T takes it personal and quite vocally protests to the interruption.
  • And finally, we're getting the inkling that Mr. Thomas might be dealing with colic or at least tummy troubles. The week before his blessing was a blissful one for the both of us. T was sleeping 5-6 hours at night, and napping a lot during the day, and then so happy when he woke up. He carried out this routine while family was here through Monday. Tuesday hit, and I thought we might have a new baby on our hands. He's been incredibly fussy, especially after feedings, and sleeping very random, short stints during the day. People say first-time moms are always calling their pediatrician. I always try to do my research and try new things before I resort to that, but I believe tomorrow I'll be making that phone call. Poor guy really will cry away a good chunk of the afternoon...and sometimes matter what we do.
I really have to say a big THANK YOU!! to the inventors of the Baby Bjorn. T protests at first, but finally gives in and usually falls asleep so I can carry him around and still be a human being during the day.
This came at the perfect time for me. I heard Jayme (SIL) suggesting a fitness challenge from our family room last weekend, and I came flying down the stairs to get in on it. This is just the motivation that Chris and I needed after T's birth. We're each setting our own goals...don't know the reward yet. Chris and I both have different weight-loss goals. We're counting calories on, working out regularly, and I personally plan to be able to complete 25 well-formed push-ups. This all must be done by Thanksgiving. Veggies are fast becoming our best friends. Chocolate Molten Lava Cake at Chili's...not so much. That was one of my last big indulgences, and I had to skip dinner for it. It was worth it.
We still can have yummy dinners like this. So what if we feel like we're starving sometimes!


Stephen and Jayme said...

Let's go get molten lava cake on Thanksgiving.

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

Your diet had better be to gain muscle, if you loose another pound you will blow away...brat!

And Thomas and the swaddle, I love it. I can not wait to see you guys next month.

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