Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Romantic Getaway

Chris' co-worker gave him a little deal to rent his condo in Keystone for our 3-year anniversary last weekend. We went out to a nice dinner, took some beautiful walks and drives, Chris made us breakfast at the condo, ordered in amazing pizza (sounds like we just ate the whole time...), explored down-town Breckenridge (beautiful!), watched movies, and hit up the Silverthorne Outlets.
Notice how I took so many pictures of these fun things.
Tommy geared up for a romantic dinner

His cozy bed in our room

Chris and T enjoying each others' company. Did I go on this trip... :)
It really was fantastic to get away and have a change of scenery.


Hayley Nelson Potter said...

He is so unbelievably hansome! Oh and Happy anniversary too. I can't believe you didn't even take one of you and Chris. Well be there soon enough to get some family shots of you 3! 2 weeks:)

Jenn said...

Oh he is so cute!! Congrats Nikki, hope things are going well. Isn't it nice to have your mom come visit.

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