Thursday, April 29, 2010

MBA Grad Banquet

This is Chris and me at his grad banquet. He will be graduating from USU's Jon M. Huntsman School of Business with his MBA next week.
I called Adam Chris' boyfriend this semester. Adam spent more time with Chris than I did. They both were presented awards tonight.
Adam: "Overcoming Adversity" Okay, so Adam not only had his tonsils out this semester while continuing to work full-time and going to school full-time...THEN, he suffered a major head injury in a car accident not long after. What a serious trooper. He will have reconstructive surgery on his crushed skull soon after graduation.
Chris: "Distinguished Student" Right now I just feel like ranting about how grateful I am for my husband. I admire and love him. My evenings with him this semester were diminished as he threw himself into his school work. I know getting his MBA was exactly the right choice this year. He spent LATE nights with his peers in the program (mostly Adam, I think), and while he was busy and maybe sometimes stressed, I know he has loved it. He is so passionate about what he does and works so hard at it! He has worked on his degree while working at Enterprise, as well as doing a research assistantship, and taking care of me whenever he can. In every project and with every group, I know he put forth 110% (I say "I know" because I was a lone wife to prove it).

Aggie Alum, Elder L. Tom Perry of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles of the LDS church, addressed the MBA students and faculty. He has lived through nearly 9 decades and gave some great history of his generation and advice to ours.

Friends and Elder Perry

Some of Chris' friends in the program

Next stop, CAREER!


Hayley Nelson Potter said...

Congratulations Chris now just move to IF!!

.Hailey. said...

i always wondered who that adam person was since you guys are telling stories about him. good to put a face to the stories haha. but i agree with hayley...get a job in IF! that way you'll still be close to me and i can see you and your babies when i go home!

Tara said...

I'm glad we're now blog friends. This will be neat. And nice that your husband is done. And you're done, and you've been reading. Have you ever heard of Goodreads? You should check it out. It's the most amazing website for bookworms like you. . and me. I love it!

the Youngs said...

Just joined Goodreads! haha Thanks Tara so excited!

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