Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Stinky Issue

Chris was traveling for work about a month ago, but so kindly set up a security system in our house and a motion sensor light in our back yard just before ditching me. 10pm rolled around and the light out back suddenly flipped on. I immediately flew up the stairs and locked myself in our room until morning. When Chris returned, I told him about my scare. Sure enough, it happened again (luckily, this time while Chris was home) and we discovered our intruder. A bushy-tailed, stinking skunk. It turns out that animal control won't do a thing about it so, now we begin to use our own methods of skunk-repellent. I will not have my son cuddling a smelly rodent!

I also thought you might enjoy veiwing this recent photo of me while we were camping...oh wait, that's an EWOK! So, my cheeks have obviously filled out during pregnancy and then I have been sporting this pregnancy (raccoon) mask. I usually wake up especially swollen and un-made-up and Chris compared me to this creature that I'd never heard of (I missed the Star Wars band-wagon growing up). I'd be offended, but it's so true! I almost posted a comparison picture here to prove it, but I'll let you imagine the resemblance. :)


Hayley Nelson Potter said...

Hope that gets taken care of for good!

Brittany said...

That is hilarious! Don't you love husbands!

Brittany said...

I love the before and after pictures of the yard! It looks fabulous!

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