Monday, February 28, 2011


Mom and Angie flew to Colorado last week and they took care of me. I now have some great new home decor, a maternity wardrobe, and we made some fun meals together.

Mom was cracking me up! In these photos, she is matching a microscopic carpet sample from my living room to some pillows. The sample really helped coordinate things. ha ha.

We could never capture all our lovely smiles at the same time, but we had a good time.
Bye-bye family! Chris and I definitely appreciated the visit.


.Hailey. said...

Nik, you're boobs look awesome! haha Can I say that? Oh and you are a cute preggo lady for sure. And I'm lovin Billie's outfit!. Cute Cute Nelson Ladies :)

Brittany Pickett said...

Nicole you just look so cute!!! I am so happy your mom and Angie could come visit you. I bet that was a lot of fun:)

the Youngs said...

Hailey-Thanks! Things tend to grow a bit when you're pregnant and I don't completely mind. :)I like cute Billie, too.

Britt-It's always a big deal for me when my family ventures all the way out to Colorado! It was great! Now we need to be seeing some pictures of your sweet little bump!!

Britnee said...

You look pregnant! -Meaning this is probably the only time in your life you will ever be more than a toothpick! Your belly is so cute- so is your face. I really want to come see your beautiful home sometime :)

Britnee said...

Hunters is translation for Britnee... I don't know how to work this thing.

Stephen and Jayme said...

I love your belly! Thanks for the pics, you know hoe curious we have all been. Your blog looks great as well. Stephen got some free Delta tickets and we are really wanting to use them to come visit you two (or three) this summer!

Jenn said...

You look like cousin Becca in these pictures.

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