Other happenings this Fall:
- Spoke in sacrament meeting on Sunday. Glad it's over, but actually enjoyed preparing and talking
- Becoming Colorado residents: drivers licenses, emission tests, car registration, etc.
- A new job at church...CTR 5. We have eleven, very social kids that we may have to start bribing with candy to stop talking ALL THE TIME. Love teaming it up with Chris.
- House hunting-- we're thinking of buying a house. We've seen A LOT of homes. Not "the one" yet, though. I can't wait to walk in a home and have that feeling of, "Yes, I like this very much. In fact, WE'LL TAKE IT!"
- And as I've mention...GIRLS WEEKEND! Starts in just a few days. I can't wait to jump into my sisters arms and cry and wail with joy...just kidding. It might not be that dramatic of a reunion. It will be pretty sweet though.
You little socail family you two. Wish we lived close so we could invite ourselves to the event! TWO days TWO days!! But who's counting.
That pumpkin thing looks good. And I hate pumpkin flavor.
Denver is so awesome! Maybe Paul and I will move there when he finally graduates next winter. I wouldn't mind. And I'm also commenting for your Girl's Weekend post too. Looks like way fun. I just had one myself not too long ago! AND, I want the pumpkin cheesecake recipe from you! It looks way good!
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